ed-it/edit (v.tr.)
prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it.
The dissertation writing process is an arduous journey.
You have spent years developing new ideas and making those great discoveries through your research. The last thing you want now is to present a poorly written or poorly formatted dissertation to your committee. Advancement is very difficult if your committee has to deal with typographical errors, style inconsistencies and poorly organized content. Grammatical, lexical, syntactical, citation, and formatting errors can undermine even the strongest of dissertations.
Let us help you ensure that your thesis/dissertation truly reflects the time, effort, and determination it took to do the research, compile/analyze the findings, and write. Our editing services are confidential and convenient and our ordering service allows you to provide customized instruction (APA or Chicago Manual Style plus your institutions guidelines), ensuring your thesis/dissertation is formatted properly for your committee.
In using Microsoft Words Track Changes, you will easily see all changes and suggestions made to your document. In addition, we provide a clean version free of tracking.
Our aim is to support the work you have done. You do the writing; we help with the daunting task of taking that body of work and ensuring that it is well written and properly formatted.